A 4-week online intensive


Relating to ourselves, others, and the world

Build the skill of relating – to everything around you.

A fulfilling life depends on your ability to be in relationship. You are in relationship to yourself. You are in relationship to others. You are in relationship to concepts, perspectives, and worldviews. You are even in relationship to your relationships.

In this 4-week intensive, you will build the skill of domain-independent relating.

You won’t be told what is right or wrong, who the good or bad people are, nor which ideas are true or false. Instead, we support you in building relationships with both your internal world and the external world, in the ways that work best for you. We help you build relationships that support you in being at peace with what is, including how you may want what is to be different.

Class Format

How it works

Cohort Huddles

A weekly 90 minute call for cohort cohesion. The Cohort Huddles are a space for group collaboration, connection, and exercises to supplement course curriculum.

Learning Modules

Four learning modules, four progressive chapters of material, and four weeks. Each module consists of a 2 hour class period focused on content, practices, and group learning + a 1.5 hour Cohort Huddle for further integration, learning, and processing.


Using a combination of cutting edge software platforms, Nekyia is specifically designed to facilitate participants in designing and creating projects, ideas, or artwork that support creators, participants, and/or the larger collective.


Layered throughout the course and modules are homework and collaborative opportunities designed for integration of course material into your life. Nekyia is built to extend the edges of your world, and percolate through the systems that you are embedded in. Nekyia is not meant to “stay in Vegas.”

Who is this program for?

  • Curious humans
  • Investigators of life
  • Psychologically minded individuals
  • Humans that want to experience more meaning and fulfillment
  • Humans who feel the suffering of humanity deeply
  • Changemakers, doers, visionaries, and generative folk
  • People who feel stuck in their relationship to humanity
  • Individuals that have trouble in groups
  • People that want to make a difference and don’t know how
  • Anyone that feels lost and unsure of what comes next
  • Those who ask questions

Module topics

Module 1 is focused on developing a relationship with ourselves. This is arguably the most important relationship we will ever develop.

  • ALKA’s foundations of relationship
  • The multiplicity of self
  • The power of context
  • Building meta-cognition

Module 2 is focused on building communicative and sustainable relationship with others.

  • Relational hygiene practices
  • Impact and reciprocity
  • Quality of relationship
  • Feedback, resilience, and growth in relationship

Module 3 is focused on the skills, contexts, and dynamics indicated in belonging to and participating in groups.

  • Mechanics of safety, belonging, and anti-fragility
  • Memetic distribution and immunity
  • Polarization and “othering”
  • Ingredients of healthy community

Module 4 is dedicated to the examination of our relationships to more abstract concepts and objects, including meaning, boundaries, truth and wholeness. These relationships are foundational and impact our entire lives.

  • Determination of truth
  • Processes of sensemaking
  • Construction and deconstruction of meaning
  • Systems thinking
  • Complexity and nuance


May 3rd - 27th, 2021
Mondays at 9:30am-11:30am MDT
Thursdays at 10:00am-11:30am MDT

Learn at your own pace

You have lifetime access to the training recordings and handouts. You can go through the materials each week as they’re released and participate live, or you can slow things down and work on your own schedule.

If you’re working a full-time job, several part-time jobs, getting married, having a baby, traveling around the world, or dealing with prohibitive life events during the live 4-week program – don’t worry. You can’t fall behind.

Remember, you can revisit and review the training materials any time. Building relationships that matter is not a four week, linear process. Neither is Nekyia.
We recommend 6-8 hours per week to participate in cohort huddles and complete course materials.

Naturally, the more focus and dedication you put into Nekyia, the more you’ll get out of it. But, if you’re not able to carve out that much time at first, don’t worry. Many of our students go through the program as best they can, pause, and then return to it as their schedule allows.

How much time do I need to succeed?

What guidance and support will I receive?

Weekly Support Calls

A weekly 90 minute call dedicated to group support, Q&A’s, and individual processing of the week’s material.

Integration Techniques

A variety of broad and far-reaching integration techniques will be provided, with both take-home materials and live instruction given.

Community Access

We are in this together. With both your cohort and an alumni group, you have access to other like-minded individuals with whom you can process, integrate, discuss, and apply what is covered in class.

Dedicated Facilitators

One-on-one and group support from facilitators dedicated to your in-course success and overall well-being

Shelby Robbins and Travis Hinton

Your Facilitators

Welcome to Nekyia! We’re two psychology, philosophy, and culture nerds that are dedicated to improving relationship with self, other, and the collective in service of greater meaning, fulfillment, and socio-cultural well-being.

We have found that both fulfillment and meaning can arise only in the presence of right relationship to our selves and our world.

In Nekyia, we will guide you through a four week deep dive into yourself, your life, and the many systems that you exist within. In more fully knowing the wholeness of your life, you will find greater ease in creating the self, life, and world that you desire.

With a combined 7+ years of experience facilitating individuals, leading groups, and running workshops, we understand the intersections of teaching, learning, transformation, and group process necessary to catalyze deep and lasting change. We hope to see you in our next cohort!


A rite by which our ghosts are called up, and questioned about the future.
Nekyia is an essential type of introspection reaching through our past – our history, our conditioning, and our inheritance, to find support in becoming the future that would like to be born through us.
“The Nekyia is no aimless or destructive fall into the abyss, but a meaningful katabasis… its object the restoration of the whole man”

- Carl Jung
In Nekyia, we aim for the restoration of the whole. We pull from tradition, inheritance, and all sorts of wisdom to inform how we relate to the world around us, our questioning and examination of it, and our desired modes of relating moving forward.

What is required for Nekyia to produce the change I want?

Nekyia is intensive and challenging. There are no silver bullets, simple formulas or guaranteed results.

Building a life of examined, functional, and sustainable relationship requires enormous focus, courage and tenacity. Most of all, it requires consistent action and an ability to act in accordance with a long-term vision.

As the adage goes, give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. However, teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. In this way, our primary goal is to train you to think, behave, and make decisions in an informed way — so that you have the skills and tools needed to live a graceful and fulfilling life.

A final thought...

We want you to know that we’ve found Nekyia to be a simultaneously difficult and beautiful journey. The transformation that occurs in individuals and the world that they live in leads to profound shifts in well-being, meaningfulness, and satisfaction. We have created Nekyia with the intention of being accessible to as many people as possible, so if you’re reading this, you’re likely one of the people this course is made for!

If you’re still wondering if Nekyia is the right fit for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at contact@alkainstitute.com

- Shelby and Travis


A four week training

May 3rd - 27th, 2021

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